5 Essential Energy Efficiency Tips for a Greener Office

minimalist office, with natural light
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Striving for Energy Efficiency

Companies need to lower their energy usage for a couple of reasons. First, and perhaps the most apparent reason, is that energy consumption directly contributes to a company’s overhead expenses, and can significantly lower profit; by reducing energy consumption, the company saves money.

Secondly, energy consumption reduction can significantly reduce the need for power plants to generate energy which contributes to pollution and global warming. This is why energy efficiency is often equated to sustainability and ‘going green’ as it preserves the environment.

Lastly, a company that practices sustainability through minimal and responsible energy consumption (together with proper waste management) can attract more customers and potential applicants, which ultimately means better business. These are huge incentives for companies to make their offices ‘greener’, and it’s possible to do so by following these energy efficiency tips:

#1 Maximize Natural Lighting

The totality of all light fixtures in the office can consume a lot of energy, even when you’re using more energy-efficient bulbs. You can save up on lighting cost by allowing natural light into the office through smart window placement, wall mirrors, and even skylights. Not only does natural lighting save energy, but it’s known to boost your employees’ mode and make the office feel less cramped. If you feel like your office’s setup is blocking or isn’t optimised for natural light, you may want to consult local companies in Brisbane that specialise on office fitouts that promote energy efficiency, open office setups, and maximising natural light.

#2 HVAC Hacks

Your office’s Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system use up a LOT of electricity, especially during the hotter and colder months of the year. However, there are a few tricks you can do to make it more energy-efficient:

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance. Having your HVAC regularly inspected, cleaned, and maintained ensures that it functions properly. A dirty and poorly-maintained HVAC system would need to consume more energy to achieve the desired temperature.

Use Fans. A lot of offices end up adjusting their HVAC system more than they should due to poor airflow (i.e. the cold or warm air can’t circulate the office). This can be remedied by using fans that ensure airflow and allows the HVAC to operate more efficiently.

#3 More Laptops Fewer Desktops

laptops used in the office

When you’re procuring office equipment or planning on updating outdated computers, opt for laptops instead of desktops and monitors. Laptops take a lot less space, are more portable and convenient, and doesn’t use as much energy as desktop systems with big monitors. However, it’s important to note that a large monitor is still essential for staff who deal with graphics design, editing, and extensive spreadsheets. The bottom line here is to minimise the number of desktops and large monitors that take up a lot of energy to power without compromising your workforce’s efficiency.

#4 Remind Employees to Turn Off Lights and Equipment That Aren’t In Use

Sometimes it’s easy to forget even the most basic office etiquette of switching off any electrical device that’s no longer in use, and forgetting to do so can significantly rack up your electricity bills — not only does it continue to use electricity, but it generates heat which forces the HVAC system to work harder in order to keep the overall temperature down. So make it a habit to remind office staff to switch off unused equipment and lights through email blasts, bulletin board postings, and reminders near light switches (and on the equipment themselves).

The Takeaway

Striving for an energy-efficient office can provide numerous benefits, so make sure to take note of these tips and try to review your current office setup to see which of these tips you can apply to your office.

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