A Year-Round Plan for the Healthy Lawn

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A healthy lawn is something that many homeowners strive for, but it can be challenging to achieve when you don’t have a plan. We’ve put together this year-round guide to keeping your lawn looking great. Follow these five tips, and you’ll be able to enjoy a lush, green yard all year long!

Have All the Accessories and Equipment You Need

Maintaining a gorgeous, healthy lawn requires more than just mowing it regularly. If you’re not sure what else your lawn needs to look its best, here is a list of suggested accessories and equipment that will help you take great care of your lawn:

  • Fertilizer spreader: This tool will help you evenly distribute fertilizer over your lawn, ensuring that your grass gets the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy.
  • Lawn aerator: Aerating your lawn regularly helps to improve drainage and prevent compaction, both of which are necessary for a healthy lawn.
  • Lawn edger: A lawn edger creates crisp, clean lines along the edge of your sidewalk or driveway, giving your lawn a neat and well-groomed appearance.
  • Lawn mower: Of course, you’ll need a good quality lawn mower to keep your grass trimmed and looking its best. Be sure to get a model that is appropriate for the size of your lawn.
  • Scissor lifts: Scissor lifts can help take care of high trees. Suppose you want to prune trees or decorate them with LED lights; having a lift can help you reach the heights easily without any danger. You can look for scissor lifts for sale on the internet or in your locality to find one. Buy from a reputable seller to get a quality product.

Get Your Soil Tested

Before you grow a healthy lawn, it is essential to have your soil tested. This will help you determine the ideal grass type for your lawn and the best fertilizer to use. It can also help to identify any drainage or pH problems that need to be corrected.

Soil testing is relatively simple and can be done by taking a sample of soil to your local nursery or Cooperative Extension office. Once the model has been analyzed, you will receive a report that includes information on the level of nutrients in the soil, the pH level, and the amount of organic matter present.

house soil

Mow Properly

Mowing too low stresses the grass and makes it more susceptible to disease and pests. Conversely, mowing too high can cause the grass to produce excessive growth that will quickly become overgrown. The best mowing height for most lawns is between two and three inches. This allows the grass to develop strong roots while short enough to provide a neat appearance. Furthermore, it is vital to regularly sharpen the blades on your lawn mower.

Dull blades tear the grass, which leaves the plant vulnerable to infection. Finally, mow in different directions each time you cut the grass. This will prevent ruts from forming, damaging the turf, and making your lawn look unsightly.

Choose the Right Grass Seed

Depending on your climate and the amount of sun and shade in your yard, you’ll want to choose a grass seed suited to those conditions. For example, if you live in a warm climate, you’ll want to choose warm-season grass, such as Bermuda grass or St. Augustine grass. If you live in a cooler climate, you’ll want to select a cool-season grass, such as Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue.

Once you’ve selected the correct type of grass seed, you’ll also need to consider the quality of the seed. Look for the seed certified by the National Seed Testing Laboratory or the American Seed Trade Association. These seeds have undergone rigorous testing to ensure they are of the highest quality and produce a healthy lawn.

Water Deeply and Infrequently

Watering encourages grass roots to grow deep into the soil, making them more drought tolerant. The best time of day to water is early morning before the sun is up. It allows the water to seep into the ground without evaporating. If you’re using a sprinkler, adjust it so that only your lawn is getting wet and not the driveway or sidewalk. Overwatering your lawn can lead to problems such as disease and pests, so check your lawn’s moisture level before watering.

To have a healthy lawn year-round, follow these simple tips: water deeply and infrequently, mow properly, deal with pests and diseases, and don’t forget about fall lawn care. By taking these steps, you can ensure a green and beautiful lawn come springtime.

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