Home Remodelling: Converting an Unused Space into a Functional Area

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Maximizing your home’s space is an excellent way of ensuring that every nook and cranny remains functional. Unfortunately, some homeowners find it challenging to achieve this concept. This usually happens when they don’t know how to prepare a plan for this particular home project. Some people are worried that the remodelling project will be costly, so they tend to reschedule the remodelling plans. Others don’t have an idea of where to start or what to do, especially when it comes to remodelling a vacant and unused space at home.

Coming up with a remodelling plan for a vacant space can be tricky, especially if you can’t decide what to do about it. If you are not careful, you might end up spending thousands of dollars without achieving your goal of remodelling the space. Remember, you may be spending around $4,000 to over $110,000 for a simple home renovation project. These estimates can go up or down, depending on the type of project you want for your property. Thus, you need to ensure that your plans for a new home project are worth it.

Types of Functional Rooms You can Build at Home

Keep in mind that you can always change your home’s layout and design anytime you want. However, your time and budget may be limited, so you need to ensure that you choose a type of room that will provide you with the most benefits. Here are some of the most functional types of rooms that you can build and design at home:

  • Home office—If you need a space to work from home, converting the vacant room into a home office is probably your best option. You can work with professionals who can provide expert office interior design. This way, you can ensure that you can build an ideal space depending on your job.
  • Study corner—If you are currently taking up a course or you plan to go back to school, you can convert the space into a study corner. You can also use this area if you have kids who need a dedicated room for reading or doing school projects.
  • Kids’ play area—Having your kids play anywhere may lead to your home being untidy, cluttered, and unorganized. To avoid this, you can create a specific play area for them. This way, they can have a designated space to bring their toys and enjoy their time playing with their friends and siblings.
  • Music studio—If your family is musically inclined, you can build a mini home studio. You can make it soundproof, so you don’t need to worry about the noise disturbing other family members or the neighbours. Install items such as microphones, musical instruments, and recording equipment to complete the setup.
  • Home theatre—Having a dedicated space for watching your favourite movies and series is also an excellent concept. You can design a home theatre and enjoy an additional space at home where you can bond with your family and friends.
  • Guest room—You can convert the vacant space into a cosy guest room. If you have guests who often stay at your place for days, providing them space to sleep comfortably is a great idea. If you seldom have guests, you can turn it into an additional bedroom, which is a smart move if you have a growing family.
  • Home gym—To motivate you to stay fit and healthy, building a home gym can be a perfect choice. Make sure that you invest in the right equipment as well.

Useful Reminders before Remodelling Your Home

Money Management

The type of room that you need to build will depend on your personality and preferences. If you are married and have kids, you also have to think about your family’s needs. You need to take note of all the necessary considerations to get the maximum benefits from the remodelled space. If you are having trouble coming up with a design, you can always consult a reliable interior designer. You can also read blogs about vacant room remodelling, so you can gain useful pointers about completing the project with minimal assistance. Don’t forget to prepare your finances as well. As mentioned earlier, remodelling your home can be expensive. Thus, you have to prepare enough funds to ensure that you can complete the home project. Experts say that you need to allocate 20% more of the overall remodelling budget, so you have funds for contingencies. If you end up not using this fund, you can use the extra cash to purchase high-quality furniture items, appliances, and other useful items that will help upgrade your home.

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