Mistakes Homeowners Make When Adding a Backyard Swimming Pool

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Owning a pool can be a dream come true when you live somewhere with hot summers. Suddenly, you have an oasis to relax in whenever you want — and you don’t even have to leave your property to enjoy it! This can even be the whole family’s go-to spot for some summer fun.

According to reports, a pool addition can boost your home value by 7%. It’s no wonder why more homeowners are taking the plunge and adding a backyard pool.

As with any home improvement project, there are potential pitfalls. In this blog, we’ll go over four mistakes that homeowners commonly make when adding a backyard swimming pool – so you can avoid them.

Building a Pool Without Checking for Utility Lines First

Think you can simply start digging so you can finally have a pool where you can swim and sunbathe in your backyard? Think again!

You need to ensure no utility lines are running underground before starting any work. This includes water, gas, and electricity lines. If you accidentally hit one of these lines, it could cause severe damage – and be quite costly to fix.

The best way to find out where these lines are is to contact your city or county office. They should be able to give you a general idea of where the underground utility lines are. Once you have that information, you can start planning the placement of your pool.

Not Getting the Right Permits

You might think you can avoid getting the proper permits for your pool project. After all, who’s going to know?

The city or county you live in will — and they can fine you if you don’t have the correct permits. In some cases, you might even have to tear down your pool if you didn’t get the proper permits before starting construction. To avoid this headache (and possible expense), get the necessary permits before beginning any work.

Don’t forget about your homeowner’s association. Some associations have rules about adding pools. So, you’ll also need to get their approval before starting construction.

Not Learning About the Basics of Pool Maintenance

Before you add a pool, take some time to learn about the basics of pool care. That way, you can prepare for the additional costs associated with owning and maintaining a pool. It would be better if you were the ones to take care of the pool cleaning and maintenance.

man in uniform cleaning the pool

Pools require regular cleaning and maintenance, including:

  • Skimming the water surface to remove fallen leaves and debris
  • Cleaning the filter
  • Testing and balancing the water chemistry

Among these tasks, the latter two — cleaning the filter and testing and balancing the water chemistry — are best left to professionals. You can hire a pool company to come out once a week to take care of these tasks, or you can learn how to do them yourself.

Testing your pool’s water chemistry and balancing it correctly is crucial to keeping your pool clean and safe to swim in. Learning how to do such tasks can ensure that your family gets to swim in a clean and sparkling pool all season long.

It pays that you start looking for products that can help you better maintain your pool in the future. For one, you can consider investing in your pool’s organic pH control system. This uses non-toxic acid to maintain your pool’s pH balance at desirable levels. Another option is the CO2 method, which is helpful in case your pool is prone to scaling.

Investing in the right pool maintenance products can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. When it comes to the pH level, an organic pH control system will automatically change your pool’s pH without you having to constantly check and adjust it. This system is not only safer for you and your family but also for the environment. Be sure to ask for recommendations, check the provider’s reviews, and one that can offer to bother solutions so you will have more options in the future.

Forgetting About the Maintenance Costs

Having a pool is a lot of fun. But it also comes with some responsibilities – keeping it clean and well-maintained.

Many homeowners regret not considering pool maintenance costs before deciding to add a pool. As a result, they might not use it as much as they thought because they don’t want to deal with the upkeep. To avoid this, consider the cost of chemicals, filters, and regular cleanings. These costs can quickly add up – but they’re necessary to keep your pool in good condition. You might also want to hire a professional to help you with the upkeep.

When creating a budget for your pool, factor in the repair cost. Things like cracked tiles or a leaking pump can be costly to fix. It only makes sense to set aside some money if anything goes wrong.

Adding a backyard pool is a great way to enjoy the summer months, add living space to your home, and boost home value. But there are some things you need to know before taking the plunge. Check the utility lines, get the proper permits, learn about pool maintenance, and factor in the upkeep costs. Doing so will help you avoid any surprises down the road.

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