Picture This: Security Cam Features That Help Protect Your Business

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Business establishments, both big and small, can get heavy foot traffic. It’s impossible for one or a few security personnel to monitor everyone inside a building. Surveillance cameras help with this problem.

Today, cameras are a norm in any building, whether it’s commercial or residential because security is a priority when setting up a business. Installing surveillance equipment can make your customers feel safe while letting those with ill intentions know that you’re watching.

According to Camera Security Trailers, job site theft also disrupts schedules and cuts into profits, so it’s better to prevent this incident from happening with the threat of surveillance.

These are only a few of the benefits of security cameras, which is why they’re a great investment. But, before you purchase and install yours, keep in mind that not every system is the same. Some camera systems have features that are more beneficial to your business than others. When choosing a security camera system for your business, try looking for ones that offer the following features:

Motion Detection

Security cameras that record 24/7 can use up your storage quickly, so leaving your camera on during your business’ off hours can be wasteful. Still, burglars invade establishments in the cover of darkness, with 1.3 million reported cases of nighttime burglary in 2015.

When surveillance camera-hunting, find one that has motion sensing capabilities. Motion sensor cameras pause recording until something moves in the camera’s frame, allowing it to save power and storage. You can also receive alerts on your phone or computer when cameras detect movement where there shouldn’t be.

Low-Light Mode

low-light CCTV

Some cameras record grainy videos in dimly-lit areas and during the night, making it hard to make out faces and other features of the space under surveillance.

Cameras with low-light mode use image intensifier technology to amplify the intensity of the available light, creating brighter images with discernible details. This feature is invaluable for keeping your surveillance up at night or in dimly-lit rooms like your storage facility.

Cloud Storage

You want your cameras to record videos that you can review months after. This is the reason most security cameras offer local or cloud storage. This is a sure way to save everything your camera records.

Videos take up a lot of memory, though, especially if you’re using a high-definition camera. Local storage can only store a limited number of videos; it’s better to store your recorded videos on a secure cloud network.

Wired or Wireless?

Wireless cameras (or wire-free cameras) are perfect for residential areas because they’re simple to install and you can move them around your home. Because they’re connected to the internet, many wireless security cameras also allow you to view a live feed from your mobile device.

However, this very feature—internet connectivity—is also one of the biggest security threats. These cameras are prone to signal interruption and hacking, so it may not be advisable for business use all the time. Wired cameras are relatively more secure because they’re physically connected to a power supply, and there’s no signal to interrupt or hack into. The only way burglars can cut the power or disable the system is to get to the cables themselves and cut them.

With the help of evolving technology, keeping your business safe is easier than ever. Take advantage of these technologies, like security cameras, so you don’t have to worry as much about the security risks your business may face.

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