The Perfect Gift Giving: What Should You Consider?

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Gift giving is a tradition that has existed since the time of ancient civilizations. Centuries may have passed, but there are countless reasons that we give presents to others and vice versa. Birthday celebration, for one, is a commonly cited reason. So are holidays like Christmas and Valentine’s Day. There’s also gift giving for the sake of appreciating the other person, like “I’m happy to have you in my life” or “Thank you for being my friend.”

With that being said, choosing a proper gift can be stressful, no matter the reason behind it. To make the process a tad easier, consider answering the following questions that will help you land the perfect gift.

Who’s Receiving the Gift?

The recipient should always be the first factor to consider when looking for the perfect gift. Although, it isn’t uncommon for gift-givers to interchange the recipient with the budget, especially when one is tight on money. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s much more meaningful if we put the person first before anything else.

Now, making a list will make the narrowing process easier. We can start with the person’s interest before diverging into other aspects of their lives. For example, we may have a friend who aspires to be a firefighter but, for some reason, can’t be one. To brighten up their day, we can look at firefighter gifts, like blankets, pillowcases, or aprons with the same motif as a firefighter’s uniform.

What’s the Gift For?

mother's day gift

The reason we’re giving the gift in the first place comes after considering the person. Thinking about the occasion will help us get a better grasp as to what items are appropriate for what we’re celebrating. For example, there’s the age-old flowers and chocolates for Valentine’s day. It may be cliche, but it does the trick since it’s as good of a love declaration as others.

Combining the occasion with what the recipient likes can help us give better gifts, though. Going back to Valentine’s day, we can opt for an “experience” gift rather than a material one if our significant other prefers the former. An example is a couple’s baking class or painting class if it suits their interests.

How Useful Is the Gift?

Sentiment may play a significant role in gift giving, but this doesn’t mean the present itself can’t serve other purposes as well. This is especially true when we’re giving gifts to fellow adults, who usually appreciate function or experience above all else.

In this regard, the usefulness of the gift works well with the previous points. After considering the person and the occasion, think of possible options that are either functional for the said person or can be a great experience for them to have. The cooking or painting class previously mentioned for Valentine’s is a good idea. So is gifting a stethoscope to a friend or significant other who’s working towards becoming a doctor.

When Should the Gift Be Given?

The “perfect moment” to give the present should be thought about. This is the culmination of the entire gift-giving process, which has been strongly debated for a long time. The public is divided between surprises and planned gifts. If you find yourself conflicted, look back to the person you’re giving a gift to or the occasion.

Does the person hate surprises? Then, it’s best to give them a head’s up that they’re about to receive a gift from you. Do you want to make your partner’s recent success more special? Perhaps a surprise trip or present is the best choice.

Gift giving is all about the other person — their preferences, personality — and the occasion. Keeping both in mind will guarantee success each time.

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