What Are the Key Elements of a Comfortable Home?

Cozy and Comfortable Bedroom
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A house is not truly a home unless you feel comfortable and happy living in it. Ensuring your home is clean, cosy and comfortable is a never-ending task. For people who invest not only money on their dream home, making it a haven for body and spirit is a must. Tasteful decor, natural light and pocket gardens can add to the appeal and comfort of a new home.

What do you consider as the best ingredients for a comfortable home? Here are a few suggestions.

Elegant Furnishings

What makes a house a home are the personal touches you add to it. Your handpicked furnishings will make any space lively and homey. Choose classic but elegant furnishings as an addition to your interiors. Go for something unique, useful and functional like a Tiffany lamp, a grandfather clock or a baby grand piano.

Cool Interior Colours

The right colour scheme will create a place where everyone will feel at home and at ease. Cool interior colours, such as subtle neutrals, browns, greys, blues and yellows, add a good touch to any home.

Colours have a way of affecting our moods and dispositions, so aside from going after your favourite colours, choose something that can make you stay calm, relaxed and happy while at home.

Adequate Ventilation

A great home must have adequate ventilation. Proper ventilation allows fresh air to get in and out of the home. Instead of having the air conditioning on all the time, just open the windows and the sliding doors to allow fresh, natural breeze in.

Home ventilation systems in most NZ households are made up of several components. You can also add extra ventilation in key points in the house like the kitchens and bathrooms to let stale air out. It prevents odours from circulating around the house and affecting your curtains, sheets and other fabrics.

Open Spaces

Modern Loft Living Room

Wide-open spaces and spacious living areas are a welcome treat for the entire family. These spaces will afford a great way for the family to hang out, bond, do barbecue, or simply lounge around and watch TV.

Plenty of Natural Light

Natural lighting at home is a good thing. So, build huge windows to allow lots of natural lighting inside your home. It helps you save some money from electricity bills because you do not have to turn on the light during the day. Ample lighting makes any home pleasant and welcoming. Who wants a dark, mouldy and dirty home anyway?

Plants and Flowers

Having plants and flowers inside the home helps make it more relaxing and inviting. The fresh cut flowers add pops of colour to any living space and make it more conducive to rest. At the same time, having a pocket garden in your backyard or balcony can help calm you down at the end of a stressful day at work.

Homeowners who cannot commit to a full-sized garden start with potted plants like herbs and flowers. Besides the balcony, they can be placed by windowsills and near the main entrance so they can catch plenty of sunlight.

Your house is your fortress and safe haven. Making it fit your needs, preferences and unique personality is entirely up to you.

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