5 Signs Your Retail Store Needs an Upgrade

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There are many factors that influence a customer’s first impression of your business, including interior design, ambiance, and decor. When customers step into your store, you want them to have a great first impression of your business in the first 30 seconds.   That said, having updated decor, technology, and interiors are just as important as investing in professional interior design.

Do you want to know if your store needs a makeover? Here are some signs to look out for:

1. It’s been years since the last update

If it’s been years or decades since your last call to the local shop fitting solutions company, that’s a glaring sign that it’s time for an update. Sure, some of your regulars probably enjoy the feeling of familiarity or nowoman choosing between two dressesstalgia when they walk into your store, but what about new customers? Are you giving them a great first impression during their first visit? Or do they get the feeling that your store is not well taken care of?

2. Sales are slowing down

Evaluate your performance this year and compare it with the past years of operation. Are your sales continuously improving or are they slowing down or dropping?

Business stagnation can be attributed to many factors, including the customer experience that your store provides. You may have fewer people coming into your store if it’s outdated. For example, if your clothing racks are old and creaky, that can make it unpleasant for your customers to browse clothes.

If your POS is more than ten years old, then the transaction times may be slower than necessary. Take a look at the current state of your store from a customer’s perspective to help you identify the areas that need work.

3. Your store design is not consistent

Do you have a different color scheme for your signage and interiors? Are there inconsistent themes for the storefront and the inside of your store? Lack of consistency can make your store look poorly designed and aesthetically unappealing. If this is the case for you, a retail makeover should be in order.

4. There is poor organization

Poorly organized store merchandise can overwhelm your customers and fail to highlight anything at the same time. Avoid over-stocking your shelves and mixing styles, categories, and colors in the same area. If you put this season’s bags near the ones from last season, you can’t highlight what you want your customers to buy, and you will most likely give them sensory overload.

5. You need a lot of repairs

If you’ve been ignoring the dings on your wall or perpetually leaking faucets in the bathroom for quite some time now, a store renovation can help you take care of multiple problems at once. Not only does this solution improve your customers’ experience in your store; it also enables you to avoid spending more on major repairs in the future.

An outdated or poorly-designed store will do your sales no good. Look out for these signs to see if it’s time to give your retail store a well-deserved makeover.

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