Navigating Pigeon Problems: A Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners

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  • Pigeons, although common in US cities, can cause property damage and pose health risks due to their droppings.
  • Pigeon infestations can devalue properties, negatively impacting the real estate market value.
  • Professional bird control services, scare tactics, and regular cleanup are recommended for pigeon control methods.
  • Home renovations like metal roofing, removal of water sources, and installation of deterrents can prevent pigeon infestations.
  • Dealing with pigeons requires a humane and respectful approach, remembering they are part of our shared ecosystem.

Pigeons are synonymous with the urban landscape and are often admired for their grace and beauty. However, they can also cause serious problems, particularly for homeowners. Pigeons can be a nuisance and inconvenience, leading to structural damage and various health hazards. Here’s what you need to know about pigeons in the U.S., how they can affect your home, and how you can deal with them.

Pigeons In The U.S.

Pigeons, also known as Rock Doves, are not native to the U.S. Originally from Europe, Asia, and Africa, they were brought to North America in the early 1600s. Today, they are found in nearly every U.S. city, thriving in urban environments due to their adaptability and resilience. They are often seen roosting on buildings and bridges, feeding on food scraps, and nesting in protected areas. Despite being perceived as a nuisance by some city-dwellers, pigeons play a significant role in urban ecosystems by providing a food source for predators and serving as indicators of environmental change.


Pigeon droppings can cause extensive property damage. This is because guano is very acidic and can corrode and discolor materials such as aluminum, wood, and stone. The pigeons can also clog gutters and downspouts, causing roof leaks and high repair costs.

Coughing man at home

Health and Well-being

Pigeons are well-known disease carriers; their droppings can create a hazardous environment. This can result in respiratory problems, including asthma and allergic reactions. Pigeon waste can also attract other pests, such as fleas, lice, and mites, which can also become a health concern, affecting your and your family’s health.

Decrease Your Property Market Value

Pigeons can impact a property’s market value, mainly if they have caused significant damage. Pigeon droppings on the exterior of a building are unsightly and can be a major turn-off for potential buyers. If pigeon infestations are left unchecked for a long time, they can cause permanent physical damage to a building, leading to a decline in market value.

Dealing With Pigeons

There are various ways you can deal with pigeons. Here are three ways:

Bird Control Service

It’s important to have a professional check your property. A local bird control service can inspect your property and offer advice on removing the pigeons or preventing them from entering your property in the first place.

Scare Tactics

Scare tactics such as plastic owls, reflective strips, and water spraying can discourage birds from roosting in certain areas. If using these scare tactics, it’s important to move the items around frequently so the birds don’t become used to them.

Clean Up After Pigeons

One of the most important steps in dealing with pigeons is to keep your property and surroundings clean. This means removing bird droppings, uneaten food, and nesting materials as soon as possible. Doing this can not only help prevent a pigeon infestation, but it can also reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Renovation Options

You can also renovate your home to ensure pigeons won’t infest the area. Here are three options:

Metal roofing for homes

Metal Roofing

Pigeons can easily nest and roost on asphalt shingles. Metal roofing, however, is a great option as it can be installed so that pigeons cannot land or easily built nests. A metal roof protects against storms, fires, and other natural disasters.

Remove Water Sources

Pigeons are attracted to areas with standing water. Removing nearby water sources, such as birdbaths or large puddles on your property, can discourage them from nesting there.

Install Deterrents

Many effective deterrents can be used to keep pigeons away. Netting, spikes, and other bird deterrents are designed to make the area less attractive for birds without harming them. Sound devices such as ultrasonic or audible bird repellers also scare pigeons and other birds away.

Dealing with a pigeon infestation can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and resources, it’s entirely manageable. You can implement effective control measures and deterrents by understanding pigeon behavior and its impact on your property. It involves professional bird control services and the right home renovations. Taking these steps will protect your property from damage and create a healthier environment for you and your family. Remembering that pigeons, like all urban wildlife, are part of our shared ecosystem is crucial. Therefore, it’s essential to handle them humanely and respectfully.

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