Types of Fences and Their Applications in Typical Household Settings

Metal fence
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Fences come in all shapes in sizes. It can come in the form of vinyl, wood, wrought iron, chain link, or ornamental aluminum. Most homeowners have them installed for added privacy, security, or aesthetic purposes. Here are some of the most common types of fences and their applications in typical household settings:

They Let You Do Your Thing without the Prying Eyes of Neighbors and Passersby

Ever wanted to sunbathe in your backyard but can’t because of nosy neighbors? A vinyl fence will give you the privacy you need to do what you want in your property. Want to host a private party? Fancy watching a movie under the stars with your loved one? Do all these things and more without the prying eyes of strangers.

They Prevent Unwanted Events From Happening

If you live in an area with a high crime rate, you want to secure your peace of mind by having metal or wrought iron fences installed in your yard. Sometimes, a wooden wall with an electric mesh on top is enough to prevent intruders from entering your property. It’s also a good security measure if you live near a wildlife reserve. Make sure to add coyote rollers and other safety features to keep pests and wild animals at bay.

Another unfortunate situation you’d want to avoid is putting your children at risk. You can install a fence around your pool to keep the young ones from entering it unattended. You also don’t want them dashing out to the road, so it’s best to keep your property gated.

They Keep Dogs and Other Pets From Checking If the Grass Is Greener on the Other Side

Like humans, dogs are naturally curious creatures. That’s why it’s no wonder some of them go dashing out on the other side when the opportunity presents itself. For some owners, installing wooden fences would suffice to keep their furry friends from sneaking out. But not all animals are created equal. Some of them are jumpers, and others are climbers. Some can be a bit senseless, but others can be deep thinkers.

To keep the climbers and jumpers from escaping your yard, you want to install a metal fence so high that even the tallest pet won’t be able to reach it. For the deep thinkers, you want to add an extra layer of security to make sure they can’t outrun you when you open the gate. You can try installing a double fence gate so they’d have an extra hard time sneaking out of your property. This way, there’ll be no more “Who let the dogs out?” drama in your household.

They Boost Your Property’s Curb Appeal

Whether or not you’re selling your home, you want to boost its appeal and value by adding an ornamental fence to your yard. It can be made of vinyl, wood, aluminum, or other material—whichever works for you. If you’re putting your house in the market, it sends a message to the potential buyer that you value privacy and safety.

Now that you have an idea of how fences are used, it’s time to call Layton fencing companies to put your visions to life. No matter your requirements, they have the materials and tools needed to complete your project in no time.

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